A breather from mediocrity.
From truth to delirium to truth.

Friday 2 March 2018


A dis-ease enters in our family.We figure out it yearns  to be noticed despite all our subtle efforts to hush it away. We clap our ears to the mourn of the disease. We uncover our ears only to find the mourn still playing.

If disease were a  human, it would be a 4 year old kid. Growing naughty in absence of empathy and affection.In the aftermath of persistent cold shoulder to him, he becomes rebellious.

From being playful and naughty to becoming rebellious, resistant and utlimately life threatening.

This new being.This recurring Cancer,Depression,Infertility,Lupus. This kidney failure. This being is still the kid inside waiting for someone to cuddle,listen,understand and build castles in the air with him.

The kid wants to give back.Slow down.Give him some love
A state of deep deep rest