A breather from mediocrity.
From truth to delirium to truth.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Med-school Chronicles

Chapter 2


Reminiscence Turning the leaf-2nd year

It’s been amazing. But I don’t know what to expect next.
My least bet is Survival.
My best bet is Survival with Sanity intact.


Reminiscence 2nd year Mid-while

So if last year was about acclimatizing, this year is about turning the music a notch higher. 
I know the books; I know my style of studies. I know the discrepancies of the system and I know it doesn’t matter as long as I am fully acquainted with where I stand. 
I have also become a part of closely knit ‘We’
So we start daring to indulge in healthy deviations from conventional academics. We participate in the events and bag winning accolades. We are no more a spectating bulk of awe-struck audience.

We see our juniors pouring in now. A gust of in-their-shoes thoughts brush past us. Just how a year earlier we were there. Mesmerized. Polarized to feelings of frenzy, distress, delight. We feel for them and yet can’t find enough time to reach out for them. I guess they will have to figure it out for themselves. And who loves a movie spoiler anyway. No matter how much distress and emotional crests are saved when fore-told the end of the movie. We still call him a spoiler!

However, it’s that time of the year when obliging our seniority is nudged by the University. We brace up to throw a welcome party. Sharply trimmed and customized to our ideals and their liking, all of us have a whale of time. Next is another event of the sort. As far as the rumors in the air and people tell us, we have nailed it.
We are tripping and risking, learning and living. 
We are loving our ride.

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